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Florida Run Thoughts
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384 posts
Sep 28, 2009
9:23 AM
Wow what a weekend! I missed Thurs in Ybor, but I couldn't have asked for a better one two punch than Orlando > Jax... I had not seen the band since Savannah, which was the first show with Anthony & Andrew, and I have to say they have really found their place in the band since then. And while I do still miss JJ on keys, his guitar playing continues to SOAR. Very inspiring shows both nights, lotsa energy with both the band and crowds at both venues. Oh how I love Mofro in the home state.

Had an absolute BLAST hangin with all the folks from the board, Clay & Jen, John Dude & Liz, Eric & Sue, Giggles, Firefly, sorry if Im missing anyone, we had the coalition in FULL EFFECT. I like to think we're some of the best fans in the business. Great to see Jimbo and his crew up in Hooters on Saturday. One question though, WERE WAS BEAUFRO? Missed ya bro.

As mentioned before, Orlando & Jax were both taped, Marcus' Jax recording is already up and sounds GREAT. I should be able to get Orlando up tonight, it came out real nice as well, definitely better than last time I recorded there. Oh and I ran dual cam video of both nights, so we'll have some sweet DVD's coming down the line as well.

Until next time!
Love, peace & chicken wing grease
1184 posts
Sep 28, 2009
10:25 AM
Look forward to the video!! Thanks for taping, thanks to all the tapers out there!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
508 posts
Sep 28, 2009
11:05 AM
The boys need to take a couple weeks break so that Andrew and Anthony can learn the rest of the tunes. (Can't believe I'm saying this, but) Not sure I would have wanted to see the 3 night Florida run as it was almost the same show each night.

any groove is reason to move

Last Edited by on Sep 28, 2009 11:06 AM
893 posts
Sep 28, 2009
12:02 PM
Stan I have to say that if I were at home looking at the setlists, I would think the same thing. But each night was it's own little musical microcosm, full of unique energy & nuances. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
385 posts
Sep 28, 2009
12:48 PM
I hear ya Stan, I'd love them to learn some more of the catalog/reportoire... But as Giggles said, they made each night unique and it was still WELL worth it to see multiple shows...
1 post
Sep 28, 2009
1:10 PM
Was at the HoB in Orlando. Missed seeing JJ on the keys, but loved that he's playing more guitar - and with fire. Missed Scone a bunch...love AC...a gifted drummer who gets such flavor out of a small kit. Great vibe all around. I sang my head off. Wanted a longer show. I've seen JJ about 6 or 7 times now and I'd say this one was the highest energy of all of them.
1186 posts
Sep 28, 2009
1:13 PM
Sounds like a phenomenal run, just wish I could have been apart of it.

I would like to thank Giggles for texting some intimate and foot bearing details!!!

Welcome to our Mofronian Madness SusanFL!!!!

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
509 posts
Sep 28, 2009
1:15 PM
I'm sure each was a little different, but that's what I liked most about the Grateful Dead. I could go to 10 shows in a row and maybe see two or three songs at most that were played more than once.

any groove is reason to move

Last Edited by on Sep 28, 2009 1:15 PM
88 posts
Sep 28, 2009
1:37 PM
I had an absolute BLAST!! I loved Ybor because it was a real treat to see Nervous Turkey especially when Art, Ed, and Andrew joined in! well and I got to hug JJ what else can I ask for.. I tend to get a bit tongue tied every time I get to talk to that man, I guess he has that effect. Enjoyed talking with Andrew Trube as well, but best of all was getting to hang with all of you good folk! GOOD TIMES!!!

I have a few good pics of dinner and stuff will post tomorrow. Off to a reggae show, one more night and then I am detoxing for real!!!
2451 posts
Sep 28, 2009
6:34 PM

896 posts
Sep 28, 2009
7:06 PM
Well goodness me, I look a wee bit pickled! :p
As always JJ was very gracious and the epitome of a gentleman! =)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
742 posts
Sep 28, 2009
7:21 PM
maaan, I was talking to this homeless guy who had his styrofoam cup signed by ac and jj and he was giving it to me because he has no place to put it, I should've turned around sooner,I wanna be in the picture too...(pout)
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
897 posts
Sep 28, 2009
9:32 PM
Homeless Mofro Fan Man tried to give me that autographed styrofoam cup too!

KL, the pretty lady to the immediate right of JJ is morena and next to her is the lovely cherry! =)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
743 posts
Sep 28, 2009
9:51 PM
daryl was wearing jeans, in jax, that close to home, and out of all people it was his DAD that pointed that out,LOL
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
2455 posts
Sep 29, 2009
7:27 AM
It probly looks like I have some weird clothing fetish but I really am curious why he didn't wear boots for like 6-8 mos and now they're back. (Should I get therapy?)

But the jeans that Daryl had on in Jax blew my mind. It was great, as soon as they started playing his dad came up to me and said "Look at Daryl, got him some new dungarees, with a patch on the knee too!" He told me to be sure I got a pic; I did; to come soon.

Homeless Mofro Man also offered me the signed cup. Even though it had JJ's autograph on it, I didn't wanna touch the thing.

Look closely at Cherry's hair in the shot above. Yes...she has cherry's in her hair. (Cute!)

And lastly, there ain't a whole lot I can add to the above. Everybody said pretty much what I was thinking.

It was a blast seeing and partying with our Mofro friends; the guys are really on. Daryl is smiling, laughing, and even LOOKING INTO THE CROWD! Trube is great on bass and a bit of a ham as well. And having Dennis and Art turned loose in center stage...wow! They did it for one song all three shows. Absolutely awesome.


Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2009 7:30 AM
2456 posts
Sep 29, 2009
7:34 AM
sw/Stan...I see where you're coming from. While I tend to agree with Giggle's assessment, I also agree with your comments.

The good news is that after the pic taken from above was done (but before Giggles asked if she could run her fingers thru JJ's hair), I talked to JJ about the setlists.

I had the perfect set up to it: I had been holding back until everyone had their chance to talk to him (or run their fingers thru his hair) and I heard someone else asking about some of the older songs and I heard part of his answer. So when I got to talk to him I told him there was a bit of chatter about the setlists.

He said he knew; he said because they've been playing mostly festivals this summer they have limited to no soundchecks and haven't had time to rehearse. He said he's aware of it and that it's just a matter of getting Trube and Farrell up to speed.

He also said that they're going to be working on it and adding songs as they go along this tour. Blackwater was on the setlist in Ybor; it had been MIA for quite some time.

I dropped Nare Sugar and Air on him and he said maybe they'd start out working on those. (It was just a maybe y'all so don't hold him/me to nuthin.)

Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2009 7:36 AM
2462 posts
Sep 29, 2009
8:46 AM
Y'all probly thought I was joking about Daryl wearing jeans (or moreover not wearing cords). Here's the proof (even tho you cain't see his head in this one I've got ones that do.)

He looked pretty damned spiffy in 'em too.


Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2009 8:47 AM
105 posts
Sep 29, 2009
8:46 AM
Man can't even get a side business
going any more,guess WE should've used
Plastic cups.
2463 posts
Sep 29, 2009
8:49 AM
Aint it the truth. Them things would've been collectors items in no time. Well, Jimbo, ifn you don't try then you'll never succeed. Maybe try a tin cup next time?

1189 posts
Sep 29, 2009
11:14 AM
Awesome thread gang!! very nice pic of you three and JJ!! envious I am I am........

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
746 posts
Sep 29, 2009
1:17 PM
maybe the boots were at home? thats why he was wearing them? ain't so much space on that bus for boots you only gonna wear on stage, gotta downsize ya know.

as for the setlists, i love all the songs, whicheverones he feels like playing, soon enough there will be more songs and than i won't be able to hear those OB songs as often, yeah it would be great if some older ones would make it back on the list but they will, I'm just happy they are out there working soo hard to make us happy!

love LOVE the anthony/andrew addition, watching ac and andrew go at it its awesome, once they get familiar with some more older songs on the setlists, it will be off the hook,plus they are all supercool to hang with off stage

i had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun with ya'll ( scott your lecture on how to use "ya'll" was priceless)
dancing,laughing,drinking,singing from the top of the lungs
thanks soo much to johndude and liz for your hospitality at casa de la dude
thanks to the TW for some extra tix when I didn't have any
thanks to clay for making it all possible!!!!


as for the piano thing, just watch jj play the guitar........I mean WATCH him play THAST guitar.....there's your answer....it would be cool if he played a couple of songs on the piano but its not logical to schlepp around a piano just for a song or 2, he is sooo AWESOme and getting really good on the guitar, i LOVE it, at the HoB recording you will him talking about sibbling rivalry and he uses the guitar to tell the story...

the greatful dead had way ,way more songs to choose from cause they already toured soo much together, plus some of their songs will go for like hours , not sure if they are a good example ,but galactic seems to play a lot of the same songs too, laso a band might be heavy on songs from their last album cause they wanna sell that album to folks who are there for the first time , than go home and after liking what they hear than will go and buy older albums, just my opinion

"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
747 posts
Sep 29, 2009
1:20 PM
oh and that styrofoam cup thing, that guy was like tryin to tell me to take the cup because he has no place to put it, and my drunk-silly-ass was tryin to tell him, none of us have either
the band travels in a tourbus most of the year
i travel in a van for 3 mon out of the year
everybody else is stayin in hotelrooms

he was like , well I'm homeless, well guess what dude, us too

"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
89 posts
Sep 29, 2009
3:16 PM
I LOVE THAT PICTURE!! I only had my cell phone camera no flash so all of my pics came out too dark.

And yes giggles u are so right!! I didn't even hesitate, I bolted towards JJ like a flash of lightning. My JJ radar was ONNNNNN... and what a
fien southern gent indeed!!! lard'a mercy!!!!!!!!!!!
10 posts
Sep 29, 2009
5:21 PM
Glad to see you all made it out alive!

(nice pic ladies...so cute! Giggles..look at you & your "flaming locks" of red hair..trouble for sure. ;) Morena..you look exactly like one of my cousins in TX! Any relation from KS?? CHERRY! you in that little dress and hairpiece. Adorable. =)You all had a groovy time, no doubt..Now i will live vicariously through you gals...Shake it don't break it!)

Thanks for the pics & words..you all got me crackin up over here! =)

♥ J
At days end, they're all just baby boys, in need of a tender lovin' mama.

Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2009 5:47 PM
353 posts
Sep 29, 2009
5:46 PM
3 night run of Mofro
JJ Boots, hat & hair-
Daryl jeans & smiling-
All the mofro board peeps-
Homeless Mofro Man

It surely hurts to have missed this run…..

More photos please :)

~Music is what feelings sound like~
757 posts
Sep 29, 2009
6:12 PM
at the mavericks show , jj sang his emotional sun is shining down as the first encore, he walks away after the songs, with the band still on stage, so we know there will be another, so a bunch of us started chanting 'stagger lee stagger lee" he comes back, and we are still chanting, he turns around ,facing ac and the horns and you can tell that he's grinning, grinning probably at our request, he didn't do that song, maybe he felt it wasn't appropiate, but it was funny, we almost got our wish
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
2478 posts
Sep 30, 2009
12:30 PM
In one of her posts above Firefly said "y'all" y'all. If you could just hear that coming out of her mouth in that alien planet accent of hers y'all would crack up.

SusanFL...I was the guy in the pit taking pics during the first 3 songs. As for who the redhead is, I know, but just in case you want to punch her in the nose, well...she's one of my peeps so I got to protect her. NOT that she probly doesn't have it coming, but I still gotta protect her. (Lord help you if you were in front of her.)

(I was fortunate to get a photo pass but they only let you take the first 3 songs--and no video. I'm royally pissed at myself because I took all the pics at low res. Pretty stupid not to check my camera settings. But I do have some still to come.)

4 posts
Oct 01, 2009
5:49 AM
:-), No I didn't want to punch her in the nose mofrofans1 ha! We had fun. I was right up on the barrier, center stage, so I saw you too...now that I know about this forum I'll be sure and say hi to everyone next time. Just saw they posted another HoB Orlando show for January w/Galactic. I'll be there.
906 posts
Oct 01, 2009
6:56 AM
Ha Clay! See I can be well behaved in public :p Nice to meet you Susan, it's always awesome to meet a fellow northeaster at a MOFRO show. Hell it's just simply amazing to be in the company of like minded people, regardless of where they hail from!

I am still battling this cold that I seemed to have picked up in my travels, but it is truly a small price to pay for such an AMAZING weekend adventure! :p
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
106 posts
Oct 01, 2009
8:24 AM
giggles,you sure helped Jeannette make a elderly
old man behave himself,I was under a constant EYE
strain at HOOTERS,until our table was filled with all

you beautiful LADIES from the Mofro Fan site.What a
Great Intelligent group of smart guys & their Choices. I
say to myself,am I the reason?Heh-Heh, after tuning up my radar ears, NAH,JJ still in demand,however I believe
we all were concerned about CLAY & his TROPHY WIFE
going to DISNEY instead of MAVERICKS.
Glad to see you SUSAN,can't believe you've been hiding
this long, you've been in Fl. long enough & hold
your credentials,Welcome to fansite.
5 posts
Oct 01, 2009
9:22 AM
Hi Jimbo :-), yeah - never knew about this site before. Took me awhile to get here but I'm glad to be here now! Looking forward to meet everyone again down the road - January at HoB for sure.

Hi Giggles, yes - always nice to meet a fellow Northeastener at a MOFRO show! I was happy to see that photo of you with JJ. One day I'll work up the nerve to meet the man, I'm sure. :-)
2484 posts
Oct 01, 2009
10:10 AM
Just walk right up to him and say hi JJ. He won't bite. (Giggles on the other hand...) You won't believe how easy he is to talk to. He knows people get tongue-tied so he'll talk your ear off if you let him. He's just regular people and as nice as someone can be.

Hell they all are that way. Even Daryl. He's real shy so he's the toughest one to talk to. Get him talking about something he likes to do...fishing, hunting, playing guitar, listening to music. He's got a wide taste in music. He'll talk!

Nah Jimbo, we could go to Disney anytime. In Atlanta I lost my cell phone and car key. In Orlando, I realize I left our Jax tix back in Tampa. At least we got it worked out with Maverick's so we didn't have to drive back! (I figure at the next show I'll leave my brain in Tampa.)

Susan, be on the lookout for the New Year's dates. I've got no inside info or nothing but if the past is an indication of the future then there should be at least 2 nights at the Freebird. Come on up to Jax. There's gonna be the same crew and probly then some.

Last Edited by on Oct 01, 2009 10:12 AM
1204 posts
Oct 01, 2009
10:31 AM
Susan, Clay is indeed correct. I was beyond nervous the first time I approached JJ. It was at a cool little restaurant behind the Exit/In in Nashville before the show. We were walking out and I will never forget it, he was holding a #10 card as that must have been his food pick up number. My sister and Hubby kept on walking and I veered in his direction. I was thinking to myself "what is the hell are you doing??!!" but my feet had other plans.....I just started talking to him and he was as kind and receptive as an old friend would have been. After that meeting, I know how easy he is to talk to and have had a couple small conversations with him. so unbelievably down to earth they all are and anyone on this board will say the same thing.

That is one of the many qualities that draws me to this group of wonderful musicians.
ok, I am done.............for now
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
769 posts
Oct 01, 2009
10:35 AM
JIMBO you were right to turn your attention to us ladies cause while the hooters girls wear those tights well, they can't beat US in the booty-boobielicious department!

clay didn't know YOU were the one that left those tix behind,hehe
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
907 posts
Oct 01, 2009
10:43 AM
Susan, usually I am a fine upstanding, relatively sane human being, but something about the funk and groove of MOFRO music causes me to lose ALL inhibitions and just barrel right up to JJ babbling like an idiot. Luckily he is a ridiculously nice man and to date has not called security or the police on me! :p
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
6 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:11 AM
My husband has no trouble talking to folks after a show - he's chatted up everyone from Buddy Guy to Derek Trucks to Robin Trower to Warren Haynes - no problem. He talked to all the boys at Blackwater Sol Revue, said everyone was nice as can be. Maybe I'm afraid I'll get too fan-girly lol!
1213 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:14 AM
haha, funny you say that SusanFL, cuz that is what my hubby thinks when I want to talk after a show, but it is not true, I try seem as calm and normal as I can (but inside I am that girly-fan!!)
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
774 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:26 AM
giggles, you just got balls, where others can't even say "hi" you ask. I mean ,you ASK, at least,lol
"may i lick you?" I mean, it's a nice way without just jumpin on it, what's a nice boy to do but to say yes?
you crack me up!!
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
1215 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:32 AM
........"may I lick you?".........I just wonder what he must have thought at that moment in time...LOL!!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
778 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:40 AM
I think he was pretty flatterd as he didn't mind, i think jj likes the female attention...showermaterial perhaps??? hehe
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
1221 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:53 AM
You make us proud Giggles, you dew what we wish we could!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
781 posts
Oct 01, 2009
11:58 AM
haha, I have a naughty comment to that...
where are all the boys?only us girls on here right now? clay is probably sitting back,sipping a cocktail,enjoyin the show
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
25 posts
Oct 01, 2009
7:15 PM
Skotdee! I missed you too brotha! made the ybor show and had every intention to hit the O'town andn Jax, but came down with an infection in my jaw and just today, had all my wisdom teeth removed..........aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
i'ts been a bummer....but i've only got one jaw, ya know?
I also missed all of Zach Deputy's florida tour and the boys and him are tied as my favorite artists hands down....so to say the least, it's been freaking rough....oh well much more music to come....
esp. Bear Creek
You making it?
914 posts
Oct 01, 2009
7:22 PM
Sending lots of positive, healing energy your way Beaufro! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

Last Edited by on Oct 01, 2009 7:31 PM
1 post
Oct 01, 2009
7:37 PM
I'm loving the grand stories and all the terrific photos!

P.S. I had to re-register! This is my first post! :-D Starting from scratch!

Last Edited by on Oct 01, 2009 7:38 PM
915 posts
Oct 01, 2009
8:15 PM
ash why did you have to re-register??
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History
786 posts
Oct 01, 2009
9:27 PM
damn beaufro, I feel for you, teeth issues are horrible, hopefully after getting rid of them all you be ok,

welcome to the board antsyashley??? lol wtf? thats soo weird, the boardmaster can't fix it for ya?
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
2490 posts
Oct 01, 2009
9:45 PM
Lord have mercy what am I going to do with all you girls?

Yes I AM the one who left the tix in Tampa (but it still must be Jen's fault.)

Yeah, ashley was being a shit so I kicked her ass off. Nah, it were a bone-headed mistake on my part. I get about 10 or so fake users that sign up for the board every week. Most are spammers from Russia and China. I guess one day one of them will make a post to tell you how to enlarge your penis.

So every week or 2 I go thru the database and delete them out. I musta knocked Ash off by mistake while trying to delete one before it or after it. (That'll teach her to be a shit.)

I also had a gremlin lately. I got an email from pbetty420 and he couldn't get on. I thought maybe I mistakenly deleted him but he was still in the database...but couldn't get on. I need to email him and see if he got it straightened out.

Booting someone from the site is very rare, and if it happens, the person getting the boot will know it. They'll get an explanation from yours truly.

If anyone else has/had login probs please let me know!
2491 posts
Oct 01, 2009
9:51 PM
And now for something completely different. (I posted this on another thread; we got so many threads going on the Florida run we could make a pair of britches.)

Giggles and I got to witness something special last week. After the Ybor City show and JJ was hanging by the bus and cherry and morena and giggles had their pic taken with him and he signed Homeless Mofro Man's cup and giggles ran her fingers thru his hair (JJ's, not Homeless Mofro's)...I talked with JJ and asked him how that little baby girl was doing.

His face lit up grinning from ear to ear. Started talking all about her. Said she sleeps from 8 pm to 10 am every day, loves going to the beach with her mommy and daddy. It was pretty cool to see him like that--he is definitely the proud papa!

Last Edited by on Oct 01, 2009 9:53 PM
389 posts
Oct 02, 2009
4:39 AM
Dang Beau, sorry to hear about the teeth, but good thing you got them outta there! Hope ya heal up soon!YES, we'll definitely be at Bear Creek! Can't Wait!

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