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JJ Grey & Mofro OLD articles, reviews, interviews
As of 2025 there are many broken or misdirected links on this page. But also many that are not. There’s all sorts of interesting stuff!


May 6
JJ Grey to be featured on new Galactic album

Feb 3
Interview with JJ includes his growing up, songwriting, and insight into his life


May 31
The Weekly Feed--Video Interview with JJ

The Rocktologist gives This River a 9/10.


July 6
Short article in Bozeman Daily Review

Feb 4
Article/Show review from JamBands.com/Santa Fe, NM show

Jan 27
Audio interview with JJ on Endless Boundaries Radio

Jan 24
Pics and short review of 1/13 Pageant show


May 14
Review and pics of band's show at Boom Boom Club in Sutton, London

Apr 21
Really good interview with JJ in Bands That Jam

Mar 4
JJ hits the LA Times with an article/interview done during his solo tour

Feb 25
Video interview with JJ at Bing Lounge, Portland OR from KINK FM

Feb 22
Article/interview with JJ in N. Calif's Times Standard

Jan 28
Radio interview and acoustic perf on 105.3 Knoxville

Jan 1, 2011
>>Excellent Feature Article in Jan/Feb 2011 issue of Relix Mag (pdf)<<



Nov 13
See pics and listen to JJ's performance on Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion at St. Augustine Amphitheatre

Nov 30
Blog article from Taste Makers Grand Rapids is really cool

Oct 20
Here's a great story about JJ and finding his voice, from the Charleston WV Gazette

Sept 9
This video of a radio interview with JJ on 103.3 in Missoula includes a couple of acoustic performances.

Sept 1
A video interview with JJ from 5min.com--He talks about his songwriting, inspirations, musical heroes and new record Georgia Warhorse (includes awesome acoustic clips.) 

Aug 24
Georgia Warhorse CD review in Daily Iowan

Aug 24
Georgia Warhorse review on allmusic.com 

Aug 24
Georgia Warhorse review in New York Times


Aug 19 Pre-review of Georgia Warhorse on Jacksonville.com

July 15
>>This is one of the most extensive articles on JJ and the band that I've seen in a long time. It's in the July 15 issue of American Airline's "American Way" magazine.<<

June 23
This article/interview was published in the Salt Lake City Weekly

Here's a great Q&A with JJ in Back to Rockville, Kansas City

Interview with JJ in the Grand Rapids Taste Makers

May 14
This Q&A in the Edmonton Sun with JJ talks about
how band members have changed over the years.

Story about JJ's fishing weekend with auction winners



Review of Oct 25 show at the Fillmore in The New York Times

Sept 30
This article talks about the new vinyl record the band is releasing in Nov.

Sept 4

This is a review of the show at the Belly Up in Solano Beach Cal

Aug 13

This article from ChicoER.com in Nevada is this article/interview with JJ that's a lot of the same but contains a few new nuggets.

July 22

Interview with JJ in Gulf Atlantic Florida Fishing

July 3

Very insightful interview with JJ in the Chattanooga Free Press.

June 23

This is a short interview with JJ in the Charleston City Paper, but has some insight into his songwriting.

June 6, '09

Radio interview with JJ on WRLT in Nashville. In addition to the interview he played 2 acoustic songs: "Brighter Days" and "King Hummingbird," and song he's never played before in public. 

June 2, '09

Here's an interview with JJ in Florida Fishing Weekly.  There's always morsels of wonderful info in every interview with him, ain't there?

April 6, '09 

This is a very thorough interview with JJ in Modern
Guitars Magazine
Has some things you most likely don't know.

April 1, '09 

JJ Grey & Mofro featured as Hotstar of the month in
 this article has some in-depth info you're bound to enjoy.

March 17 '09

JJ announces that Adam Scone has left the band

Added March 1

Interview w/ JJ in the Daily Reveille, Baton Rouge

Dec 23 '08 recorded interview with JJ on JamBands.com 


Here's a recent reviewof Orange Blossoms from hollandsentinel.com

Another short but insightful story, this one from the Miami Sun Post

This article in REAX Music came out on Dec 31.


LEXGO did this article in late Nov, just before the show in Lexington

I posted this a few weeks back on the board, but if you missed it, it's good.
Green Arrow Radio Interview w/JJ  (13 mins long)


Photo Contest Winners Announced!


Hot off the press today, this interview/O.B. review from post-trib.com in Chicago (I guess 'hot off the press' don't really apply nmore...)

Also hot off the press is this review/interview with JJ from the Chicago suntimes.com that includes his thoughts about man walking on the moon, the funniest southern country comedian that's ever lived, Jerry Clower (I had his LP's in the 70s)--next to Lewis Grizzard, IMHO--and more.

Anybody got suggestions for replacing 'hot off the press' with something 21st Century?


Orange Blossoms is #1 on the Top 10 Blues Chart from TheBluesMobile.com, beating out such heavyweights as B.B. King, Buddy Guy, and Susan Tedeschi

Excellent review/interview with JJ from River Cities Reader, Quad Cities

Good little interview from the Birmingham newspaper website. There's always a little gem of new stuff for us to enjoy, even when the interview is short.

Some of y'all may have seen this interview from March of '07.  It's from Blogging Muses "The #1 Songwriting Blog."  It's a very thorough interview, pre-Orange Blossoms, but really great insight into JJ's songwriting process, and prowess.

A little Orange Blossoms review from the indy cd & vinyl store(JJ in-store performance 11/21) in Indianapolis.

all-about-jazz.com knows how to review an album.

CityBeat.com in Cincinnati also knows how to review an album; and how to do an interview


 "Orange Blossoms" is Amazon's Top 5 Rock Album of 2008!


 Your Dream Set List?

 NEW POLL: Select Your Favorite Mofro Song


Eric Snider from Creative Loafing in Tampa went to the Sarasota Blues Fest and has this to say.

Creative Loafing in Charlotte has a brief review of the show at Neighborhood Theatre


A short but good interview with JJ appears at the bottom and on page 2 of this Sarasota Blues Fest preview in the Bradenton Herald.

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune has a preview of the Blues Fest, and an interview with JJ that r?eveals more about his songwriting, etc.  AC/DC?

The PatriotLedger.com had a preview of the recent show there, with some good quotes from JJ in it about Orange Blossoms

There's a quick review of the Loki set on this blog, and a great pic.  Check out AC...he must've been cold. 


These reviewers with GlideMagazine.com had a good time at the show at the Variety Playhouse on Oct 11.


In case you missed this on the message board, Rob Hawthorne recently did a photo shoot with JJ. It's awesome so be sure and check it out--Rob Hawthorne Photography blog

The BISS List has an interview with JJ conducted in September

St. Augustine's monthly entertainment Drift Magazine talks about JJ and Orange Blossoms


This blog from the Boise Record Exchange, Idaho's largest independent record store, reveals that in the most current week, Orange Blossoms is number 2 in sales on their top 25 list

Here's an interview with JJ done on 9/25, from the Rocky Mountain News

Good article here from Herald-Dispatch.com in Huntington WV

Some informative stuff in this article from the Idaho Statesman


The Good Soldier

The Good Soldier 
JJ has written his first film score, for the feature documentary , THE GOOD SOLDIER, which premiered in Nov, 09.   Find out more here


I'm finally catching up, been accumulating these for the past week or so--here's some good reading ya'll.

Leave it to JamBase.com to do a great story and review. Well written, some great quotes from JJ, good shit ya'll.

Easy Street Records makes "Orange Blossoms" a Staff Pick

?Um, I dunno why this persons blog is named "Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream."  Intriguing as it is, I have to admit I didn't care enough to hang around and look for it.  What he does have is a short but sweet review of Orange Blossoms, along with the now ancient picture of the band with George, without AC, Dennis and Art.  I guess they'll get some new publicity shots going pretty soon.  Probably tough to nail all of 'em down at once long enough for a photo shoot.

Interview with Bruce Iglauer: Alligator Records' Owner from the Crossroads Blues Society
That may sound boring, but actually it's a great article ya'll. Alligator Records, Mofro's record label, was founded in 1971 when Iglauer was 23 years old. Over the last 37 years he's built Alligator into one of the world's leading contemporary blues labels. He gives some real interesting insights into the business, artists, and more.  It's not an article about Mofro, although they are mentioned, but gives a lot of perspective on what bands like Mofro go through and the challenges they face.

Crossroads Blues Society review of Orange Blossoms

Billboard.com has this review of OB
This blogger talks about the great time he had at the Mofro show at The Independent in San Francisco on 9/14.

I really like this article.  The writer did an interview with JJ.  It's got some good stuff in it.  From the Times Standard in Eureka Calif, which has to be one of the prettiest places anywhere.


This review of Blackwater Sol Revue (BSR) from LuminoMagazine.com is good--the reviewer knows what he's talking about and got into the groove of the show. It's got a few good pics from all the bands.

Jacksonville.com has this review of BSR There's a discussion about it on the message board. A few inaccuracies for sure and not well-researched. But hey, we can't always expect everybody to get it right.


Now here's somthing ya'll GOT to check out.  Rhapsody has JJ's top 14 favorite soul songs, along with a player so you can hear each one. Pretty cool.  JJ's favorite soul tunes 


Lots of reviews and bloggers talking about Orange Blossoms.  I'm way behind in getting them up, but keep checking here and there will be more to come.

All About Jazz review--Doug Collette has made some wonderfully poignant points (I happen to know that he's not only a writer, he's a Mofro fan!) 

One of my favorite newspapers anywhere in one of my most favorite places, the Smoky Mountain News has this review

Chris Cooper from USA Today included Orange Blossoms on his Pick of the Week list

Here's a short but well said review from the Tallahassee Democrat

I like what this cat has to say at the New Music Review

Tigerweekly.com has a thorough review and interview with JJ

PopMatters.com gives Orange Blossoms a 7


Reviews about Orange Blossoms are coming fast and furious. I ain't had time to post 'em, but I have several that I will soon.

Meanwhile, you've GOT to see this video interview with JJ where he talks about Orange Blossoms. It is WAY cool.


New radio interview with JJ from Hot August Blues at Oregon Ridge on 8/16

Below are all of the "Orange Blossoms" reviews (that I'm aware of) to date:

BlogCritics.org 8/14


Leap in the Dark 8/11

Juke Joint Soul 8/7


TN_CRACKA just posted a link on the board to an article/review on blogcritics.org. Good article. A direct link to the article is here.  Thanks TN_C!


Dig this little review from these crazy cats that went to the Taste of Lincoln show in Chicago on July 26

Check out this quick interview with JJ at the 10K Lakes Festival 


This review's okay, but not necessarily all good, of the show at Crossroads in Kansas City on Friday 7/18. (Somebody tell me, please, how you could you refer to Daryl as the bass player? Do any of the guitars he plays look like a bass, or is it just me?)

This one's cool--blogger at Creative Loafing in Tampa puts JJ & M in top ten Florida based bands.


Check out this review in GlideMagazine.com of the show at Higher Ground in So. Burlington VT on July 11.

^ ^  3 NEW REVIEWS  ^ ^

7/10 Rothbury Festival Report

The show was supposed to be webcast live on IClips.com but was not.  Unless someone knows different, that is, cause I lurked all day. Mule's set killed, btw.

From what I could gather on the live chat line, they last minute decided to show someone else (maybe because of the technical probs--see below) and taped MOFRO

One of the chat administrators said it would be broadcast next week (I dunno what the hell that means.)  I'm not sure if her intent was that next weekend's show is going to be streamed live instead. I'm going to keep a close watch on IClips to see what's happening, and watch their archives as well, in case it goes straight to there. Check back here and I'll update it when it happens.


Meanwhile, our boys got a little press while they was across the Mason-Dixon line. I've extracted the parts about JJ Grey & Mofro, but put in the link for those who want to read the whole articles.


"JJ GREY & MOFRO: Technical glitches delayed the band's performance by 20 minutes and muted its sound to a whisper during the first couple minutes of opening number 'War.' But the band rebounded and wowed the audience."

[As we say in the South...shit. Sucks about the audio problems big time. Sounds like they made a nice comeback though.]



"We decided to hold court at the Ranch Arena for most of the day. We bought massive fajitas and sat listening to the remainder of Brett Dennen's set. That was followed by JJ Grey and Moffro. This band was also unknown to me, but I enjoyed their funky sound, and it was quite clear they had some diehard fans in the audience. They kept their fans on their feet and dancing, and quite often singing."

[Moffro, did she say Moffro??  Awwww sheeeeeeiiiiiittt, you gotta be kidding me. Oh well, as they say in the PR biz, take the free press when you can get it, even if they spell your name wrong.  Very cool to hear about the MOFRO COMMUNITY BEING STRONG IN MICHIGAN!  YA'LL ROCK!!!]





February 7, 2008
Article subject:  "
Art Edmaiston, Mofro sax player,
has found his soulmates on the road with
JJ Grey & Mofro.
Great quote: "Art can play from 0 to 300 in 0.1 seconds with full conviction. How deep someone goes as a player is based on how much they can let go and let it happen, which is what Art does every night. For me, it doesn't really get any better than that [JJ Grey]"
From the CommercialAppeal.com

January 31, 2008
Article subject: "
Down-home roots, rock and soul artist JJ Grey says some of the songs he's written about respecting the environment and appreciating what we have are preaching to a special person. Himself."
Great quote: "As far as influences, blues are the all-encompassing thing," Grey said. "With regards to modern music, whether you want to call it R&B or rock or punk rock, it still floats around the blues/rock and folk roots."

January 4, 2008
Article Subject:
Concert review: from the
New Times-Broward/Palm Beach

Great quote: "Grey epitomizes what a front man should be, and the rest of MOFRO kick out grooves that would make a dead confederate dance like his reanimate life depended on it. His lyrics are reminiscent of the great southern poets; fiercely personal, universal, and political without a hint of superiority or peachiness [concert critic Brett Gillin."]

Everything below here I ain't had time to go through and categorize or nothing, but there's good stuff in them for anyone who wants to click through them.  It's all generally stuff from 2007 and before.
















New JJ Grey & Mofro record

Support the band...buy band merch!


Check out this vintage audio interview with JJ Grey from 2003. It's a must hear for any JJ Grey & Mofro fan!
(may take a couple minutes to load)

















JJ Grey, JJ Grey & MOFRO at Williamsburg Music Hall, Brooklyn


























































































































































































































































































I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.