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Band sched Nov-Mar
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2754 posts
Nov 09, 2009
4:01 PM
There's been a bit of chatter going on about upcoming tour dates so I thought I'd pass along what I know.

In essence, what you see on their tour calendar is what you get. They have no more dates in Nov. The dates on Dec's calendar are all they're going to do. Right after Jam Cruise they've got the 2 Florida gigs and then are taking the rest of Jan and all of Feb off.

March I'm not so sure about. The sched shows them coming back in late March. Whether or not they have any earlier March dates and have not posted them yet I honestly don't know. My guess is they won't though.

I don't have any inside info as to if an occasional date might be added here or there. I would think it's kind of doubtful cause it's not usually profitable to fly in Art and Andrew and Anthony for a one off gig.

But if you live in the Memphis area be sure to watch out for Art...he'll most likely be sitting in all over town. Same goes for AC in the Orlando area, and Anthony and Andrew in TX (I emailed them today to see if they're going to be doing any dates...I'll let y'all know when I hear back), Dennis may play around Jax (or maybe Charlotte), and I'd keep an eye out for Daryl's new side band in the Jax area as well.

Last Edited by on Nov 09, 2009 4:05 PM
2755 posts
Nov 09, 2009
4:06 PM
One thing I forgot. Of course, they deserve it! I can't imagine living their lives so to have a couple months or so of normalcy I would think would be quite recharging.
1560 posts
Nov 09, 2009
4:22 PM
You bet they deserve some time at home. It is unbelievable how much time these guys spend on the road. And from what I have seen, they never appear
to be tiring either. Kudos to everyone of the band members and crew!!

hhmmmm.......maybe a Spring show round these parts, I will hope and dream for them to come back here. I am sure by then I will be a jonsing for a 'Fro fix!!! if not sooner!

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2758 posts
Nov 09, 2009
5:50 PM
Keep them cards and letters acomin'. The band gets time off but management goes on...the next few weeks they'll be firming up bookings for spring shows and summer fests.
930 posts
Nov 09, 2009
10:26 PM
good , because I cant go anywhere after jamcruise until jazzfest anyways.
maybe they will work on a new album
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
1564 posts
Nov 10, 2009
5:37 AM
ooooo........a new album..........
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
556 posts
Nov 10, 2009
12:32 PM
Yet another reason I don't go on Jam Cruise.....more money for Jazz Fest!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

any groove is reason to move

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