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Sheet Music for Mississippi
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2 posts
Oct 15, 2009
3:20 AM
Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of recording a multitrack for a school project and i'm recording Mississippi!

I was wondering if anyone had tabbed out/ wrote sheet music for any of the parts in the song! this would help me forward a lot and would greatly improve the accuracy of my recording!
1326 posts
Oct 15, 2009
4:51 AM
Hello and welcome benneh1!! If it is not located on hte "tabs/chords" link on the left menu choices, Delerious Tyme may be able to assist.
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
Delerious Tyme
478 posts
Oct 16, 2009
7:04 AM

What kind of arrangement are you using for that recording? Let me know what Instruments you plan on having and I will give you some more to work with for that song.

It's pretty simple and can't go wrong just playing I-III-IV Blues progression - G - Bb - C. But if you give me some more info, I'll give you more detailed tabs for the instruments you are using.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."

Last Edited by on Oct 16, 2009 7:48 AM
3 posts
Oct 24, 2009
4:46 AM
Well basically i need to record at least 4 acoustic instruments for this specific recording, so im going to record piano, and trumpet, trombone, sax for horn section. Then 2 guitars, bass, hammond, drum kit, vocals etc.

The only trouble im having with figuring out is what the horn section plays towards the end of the song, and some parts of what the piano plays, Also i havent figured out the guitar solo yet, but that shouldnt be too hard. I already figured out the hammond parts.

Thanks for your help Delerious Tyme!
Delerious Tyme
496 posts
Oct 24, 2009
2:32 PM
The guitar solo is just the pentatonic scale in G Major. Just a matter of matching up the notes he is playing to get it exactly as the recording, but not to hard when you narrow down the notes that it can be with that scale.

The guitar rhythm that JJ plays is G - F - D - C - and a quick shuffle on the Bb major chord.

I'll take a look at the Horn part that you are talking about. What parts are you missing on the piano?

And you are going off the Country Ghetto Album version I take it?

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
4 posts
Oct 24, 2009
3:34 PM
Yes, i am following the Country Ghetto album version.
The part for the piano im missing is right before the guitar solo, around 2:05ish and then from the "everybody moving, everybody grooving..." till the end it is very confusing to follow whether jj is playing chords or nothing at all...

Im not too sure about the Bb major chord. Where does he play this?
Delerious Tyme
500 posts
Oct 26, 2009
7:32 AM
Those are single notes that I have listed and then the chord of Bb Major. I'm pretty sure that is what he plays on guitar, but I'll look at it again and get back to you. I didn't have much time to look at it over the weekend, but should have some time tonight to.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
503 posts
Oct 27, 2009
6:04 AM
Ok benneh1,
hopefully this gives you what you are missing. This is what I got for the guitar and horns that you have a question about.

First, the guitar riff that JJ plays pretty much throughout. The single notes are the ones I posted previously. Let me know if you don't know how to read the guitar tab and I can explain it.


Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."

Last Edited by on Oct 27, 2009 6:06 AM
Delerious Tyme
504 posts
Oct 27, 2009
6:09 AM
As for the horns, the main riff they play for the chorus is simply:


I'm not sure how a horn plays those in terms of single note or chord, I've never played one nor know much about them, but if you are playing it on guitar, either single note or chord sounds right. I'm assuming the same goes for the horns. Same goes for the next part of the horns.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
505 posts
Oct 27, 2009
6:12 AM
For the 'Everybody Movin' part you had listed, I have it as such for the horn part:

Bb-Bb-G-G Bb-C C-Bb-G

*that's played twice then turns into:

Bb-G F-G-G Bb-G C-Bb-G

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
506 posts
Oct 27, 2009
6:18 AM
Try those out and let me know if they work for you. I'm pretty sure they are pretty darn close to being right. The guitar riff, I'm definitely 100% sure.

With the guitar solos, they are both just the pentatonic/blues scale played in G major. When it comes to guitar solos, JJ is a regular Eric Clapton by playing within the scales and well, if you ask me, playing it like it always should be, holding true to music theory. Any guitar player you will have for your project should be able to figure it out by just knowing that, as well as, know what range to play it in by knowing it's simply played within those scales.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
Delerious Tyme
507 posts
Oct 27, 2009
6:22 AM
The piano parts you have a question about sounds like JJ is just playing single notes straight up and down with the F-G-Bb-C and possibly a D every now and then. Any fill he uses is a combination of two of the notes from what it sounds like to me. I will mess around with my keyboard to see if there is anything unusual or different then that.

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."

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