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Roll Call for The Valarium in Knoxville - 10/30
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38 posts
Aug 28, 2009
9:38 AM
1. SaNdMaN and Mrs. SaNdMaN
2. Sunshine
3. Sis of Sunshine
4. ?

Any more takers?


If it beats all git out then do it again ...

Last Edited by on Oct 08, 2009 10:03 PM
2545 posts
Oct 08, 2009
10:04 PM
Well...are there??

1271 posts
Oct 09, 2009
5:27 AM
maaaybe, just maaaaybe, my brother Sunrise, from gool ole Palm Harbor may make the trip up.....everybody cross yer fingers!!!!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
2623 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:02 AM
Moving this back to page 1.

1370 posts
Oct 21, 2009
10:09 AM
aren't you a doll!!

"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
51 posts
Oct 22, 2009
9:15 AM
Add two more Mofroians to the list of takers...Mrs. SaNdMaN (SaNdWoMaN ???) has a a co-worker and her hubby makin' the trip!

If it beats all git out then do it again ...
1388 posts
Oct 22, 2009
9:43 AM
good work SaNdMaN!!!!!!!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."
1441 posts
Oct 26, 2009
6:37 AM
that rock slide on I-40 thru the gorge is a huge bummer!! 100 feet wide and 50 feet tall, boulders as big as a small house.... It is gonna add anywhere between 3 1/2 to 5 hours each way........for those of us east of the rock slide that is.

anyone know the quickest way around this? They say clean up will take 3-5 months.

Sandman found a route that only adds on an hour!!
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."

Last Edited by on Oct 26, 2009 7:45 AM
121 posts
Oct 26, 2009
7:57 AM
Hey Sunshine,

I heard on the radio this morning that going through Johnson City only adds one hour to the trip.

My brother will be going to the Knoxville show. He will be looking for you. I told him to look for the woman with a glass of wine in her hand front row middle of the stage.
1442 posts
Oct 26, 2009
8:05 AM
Thanks TN, yep just an extra hour, thanks goodness and Sandman is the DD and has already confirmed it is still a go.....

what does your brother look like? I will keep an eye out. Hey Briggz, are you still gonna make the trip?
"If you've never seen us before, don't be bashful - sing along from start to finish........and dance & feel good.....there's enough shit in the world, let it all out...........Brighter Daaaaays...."

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