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JJ Grey and Mofro vs Susan Tedeschi......
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Jul 07, 2009
7:18 PM
Hey Gang,
Don't go beatin my ass up on this one, for I know everyone has their taste, likes, dislikes, and maybe I should not be comparing or pitting one over the other, but hell, let's give it a whirl. I saw Susan Tedeschi some years ago when she played with Johnny Lang and Buddy Guy. She opened for those guys. But now, as a newly addicted crack-ho, or Mofro Head, or swamp rock rat, I beg to ask the question or pose the the thought that once he fans who will be seeing both performers in August at the Woodland Park Zoo, if they have not seen JJ Gey and Mofro, will be blown away, and wishing that he was the headliner. I know, Susan is a talent, and her music is diffrent than his, but it will be hard to park the energy of these guys once they have played, and I thing that even though Susan is gutsy, and soulful in her own way, it will be hard to slow down after the boys play. Hopefully, they come out and maybe jam a bit together....... oh hell, that's what Winthrop is for and all about.

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