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Vail show review and setlist
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6 posts
Jun 19, 2009
12:13 PM
Sorry it's taken so long. The show was great. I little different feel than most shows. This was only the second Mofro show I've been to where people were sitting around drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers. The first one was the Vail show three or four years ago.
I can't remember the setlist in order but here is a list of songs they sang.
Orange Blossoms
Higher You Climb
Dew Drops
Ho Cake
Everything Good Is Bad
Ybor City
The Sun Is Shining Down
Brighter Days
I Believe
Got My Mojo

Like I said the show was great. My one year old loved dancing and running around, and Little Lily, still in me, was jumping around. Lily will be coming out in Sept.
Malcom AKA Papa Mali was an looker.

Thank God for the journey.
James Brown
Delerious Tyme
291 posts
Jun 19, 2009
1:00 PM
Thanks for the update jenshew. That is one hell of a setlist...

Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1870 posts
Jun 23, 2009
8:10 PM
Thank you for your review of the show and the setlist Jen! I agree with DT on the setlist.

I can't imagine a Mofro show where people are sitting eating cheese and drinking wine. Weird.

Starting Lily off in the womb...gotta love it!

4 posts
Jul 11, 2009
9:23 PM
Jenn said a few weeks ago

"Sorry it's taken so long. The show was great. I little different feel than most shows. This was only the second Mofro show I've been to where people were sitting around drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers. The first one was the Vail show three or four years ago."

we met you at that show right jenn? The show later night at the club was killer too. one of the last official SBDS.

of course it will be about 6 months before I remember to check back here again.

I miss the yahoo activity!
700 posts
Jul 13, 2009
5:15 PM
welcome back frndkdkduvel and see ya in 6 - 10!!
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"

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