I took the wife and kids to the amphitheater last night to see a "movie on the lawn" where JJ will play next week. Got there right at sunset, with the sun reflecting off the lake it was quite a sight. Once the movie started (and the cooler began emptying itself of the beverages we toted in), I started my informal skeeter count. I'm glad to report that I had more beers than I saw mosquitos, and I only had 4. Now, I had a bit of "cutter" on my feet, hands and neck. And, when I was talking to the lady next to me, she said she was wearing one of the new odorless OFF clip-on doohickies and didn't see a single bug. My kids, always willing to (unknowingly) participate in one of my 'science experiments,' didn't have any repellent at all and upon inspection this morning, neither have any bites. AND, I bumped into the manager and she said they were spraying this morning at 2AM. So I'd say either bring off OR buy one of those clip-in thingys, and I'm confident enough to say bugs will not be an issue at all. Disclaimer: The two mosquitos I did see were about the size of an osprey, so don't forget the off. Makes me wonder - if a mosquito landed on me towards the end of the show, considering my projected blood-alcohol, would the skeeter get drunk?
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