279 posts
May 20, 2009
4:59 PM
Not sure if this has already been posted here or not.
Redneck Prophet
---------- "throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
Last Edited by on May 20, 2009 5:45 PM
1653 posts
May 20, 2009
5:43 PM
I don't think it's ever been posted on the board; it is somewhere on the interview/review page. Thanks for posting this John. I think it is one of THE most insightful articles ever written. You get a real understanding of where JJ comes from. ---------- MofroFan1
Last Edited by on May 20, 2009 7:20 PM
326 posts
May 20, 2009
5:47 PM
That was a 2002 cover story in Folio Weekly, our local entertainment rag here in Jax. The show they're describing at the Freebird is my first Mofro show, 7/26/02. I still have (several) copies of that issue of Folio...
280 posts
May 20, 2009
5:58 PM
Several Copies huh?
How could a member of the Cracker Coalition get ahold of one? ---------- "throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
327 posts
May 20, 2009
6:06 PM
Oh, I don't s'pose it would be too hard ;) Let me dig in the crates and find them. Hell, I guess I could walk a few doors down from my job (Folio is in the same suite in our office complex) and talk 'em out of a few more back issues if others are interested.
489 posts
May 20, 2009
6:11 PM
That was the most amazing article, it was like a book that you couldn't put down. If it is not too much to ask, I would absolutely love a copy, I could send you the postage. that is a very kind offer. thanks!! ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
369 posts
May 20, 2009
6:36 PM
Skot.....wouldn't mind getting a copy myself.
---------- any groove is reason to move
311 posts
May 20, 2009
6:36 PM
---------- "Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."
328 posts
May 20, 2009
6:55 PM
Right on folks, I'll check tomorrow to see if they have back issues...
1654 posts
May 20, 2009
7:05 PM
Me, me, me!
---------- MofroFan1
810 posts
May 20, 2009
7:15 PM
Scott, you are such a sweetheart. I wouldn't get mad at you if you save me one. :-)
---------- It's a Big Easy life.
88 posts
May 21, 2009
6:25 AM
Fantastic article. Thanks for posting this JD. Skot, definitely let us know how many back issues they have. I would love to have a copy.
329 posts
May 21, 2009
6:31 AM
Ouch, just got bad news. They only have back issues available from the past year. Anything older than that they have to make you a copy of the article you want, which we don't need since we have it online already.
Sorry for the tease folks. Im still gonna dig my copies up, I think they're in a storage unit, but safe to say I don't have enough to go 'round...
At least we have it online!
496 posts
May 21, 2009
6:33 AM
appreciate the effort (no effort, no gain). I will just download and print out the link from above. ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
1666 posts
May 21, 2009
7:38 AM
I just lost all respect in you man.
---------- MofroFan1
331 posts
May 21, 2009
10:16 AM
What can I say Clay, Im all talk ;)
I hear ya on the Mason Jars cracka, I've been kicking myself for YEARS for not picking one up. Anybody got an extra? I've got an extra camo hat I'll swap for one. Im talkin the old school, real tree, camo hat witht the EMBROIDERED "front porch soul" logo, not the patch they switched to later...
This subject needs its own thread, "Mofro Memorabilia". I think I'll start it tonight if no one beats me to it.
Last Edited by on May 21, 2009 10:20 AM
816 posts
May 21, 2009
10:16 AM
Thanks for checking Mr. D. Yeah, I would love to get my hands on one or some of those mason jars!
---------- It's a Big Easy life.
503 posts
May 21, 2009
10:24 AM
someone somewhere is probably sittin on a case of them, just waiting for the right opportunity....... ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
317 posts
May 21, 2009
3:52 PM
Stocks and real estate are shot to shit, but Mofro memorabilia seems to be getting hot!
---------- "Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."
45 posts
May 22, 2009
2:35 PM
Gr8ful98, That ariticle clearly shows, and tells why JJ and Mofro are a direct hit to their fans hearts. From the cityslickers to the hicks and eveyone in between. Hell, I was born and raised in Seattle, currently live in the house that I grew up in since I was about 3. My Moother lives down the street in the place where she grew up....on the water. My Grandparents were hard working people, wo were my folks. My Grandma on my Mom's side was from Arkansas, with a long line here in the US (Morgan), My Grandpa, was born in Alaska, and sailed down at the age of 6. His parents were from England and Germany. As for my Dad's folks, well my Grandpa Roy was from Augusta(Ibelieve)GA., and my Grandma, was from St. Pete Florida. These Garandparents were a bit more the white collar type, wheres, my Mom's folks were the blue collar folks. All of them showed respect, worked hard, faced tough times, traveled, loved their family, never asked for anything, played fair and by the rules, and tought us kids a bucket load of things so valuable for life. There has got to be a genetic componet, that causes one like myself, to feel the message and meanings of JJ's music, and never have onced lived in his neck of the woods. Maybe it is the salt air that travels the world. One guy/gal beathes in and out in Destin, and 37weeks later I am breathin' in the same air. This article paints a pretty damn spot on picture, thanks for sharing it with all of us.
46 posts
May 22, 2009
2:37 PM
Sorry Mom, i know it's MOTHER, one O. Holy smackers am I gnna get a whoppin' for that boneheaded mistake !
47 posts
May 22, 2009
2:41 PM
Holy Crap, it must be the sunshine !!!!! I swear I have not had a drink, and maybe I should have one right now, because my typing and spelling are nothing to write home about. Better go get the kids from school first, and get the outdoor movie screen set up, an then tonight......something on ice !
520 posts
May 22, 2009
5:07 PM
1) Moother... how funny, I was gonna post something, then you caught yerself, your Mama should be proud! :o)
2)I think you are correct, that the folks that still hold high the beliefs and (what they may consider) decent parenting that has been handed down thru the generations, the way I (we) were raised to: "treat others as you would want to be treated" - "if you can't say anything nice, not say nuthin at all" type of philosophy; understand JJ's lyrics that lead back to how he may be expressing his childhood thru his music. I can still hear my Mama saying that (probably cuz she ((and my sister Sunset)) have followed me to the mountains) to me to this day.
3) you and I are alot alike in the fact that we both like to "talk". I talk more than I type. I can tell that you are from the same school as I, the "Circle the Airport University"........... ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
Last Edited by on May 22, 2009 5:42 PM
521 posts
May 22, 2009
5:31 PM
Oh, and
4) you can edit your own posts, right Mr. Webstermeisterhewhoknowsandseeall??
:o) ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
522 posts
May 22, 2009
5:41 PM
..........geez........Richard, one more are getting a big rush/dose of Vitamin D!!!!!!!!!!!
it is a component of SUNSHINE!
:O) ---------- "No effort, no gain No effort, stay the same No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
281 posts
May 22, 2009
9:27 PM
I have mason jars that I drink out of will send you a case for that MOFRO hat.
---------- "throwin' pennies on the tracks and playin' in the rain...oblivious of the world around us that was going insane"
333 posts
May 23, 2009
10:30 AM
welll... I don't mean just any ole Mason Jar :) Im lookin for the ones they used to sell at the shows with the Mofro logo screen printed on the side. I think it was that old logo with the art of JJ sittin down, playing harmonica? Or was it a lap slide? They used to sell stickers with the same design, little red ones I think. Or it might be the old barn art logo like on the original tee shirts, I can't remember which. Dang, I still haven't started the thread have I? Tonight I swear.
69 posts
May 24, 2009
6:56 AM
Delerious Tyme
245 posts
May 24, 2009
10:07 AM
Thanks for the insight Jimbo... much appreciated. I imagine you still have alot of those kept in a safe place???
---------- Delerious Tyme
Mofro for life in Arizona The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here. "Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
1693 posts
May 26, 2009
8:52 AM
He went all silent on us huh DT? Nah, he's probly fishin'.
Y'all that are new to the site--or mebbee those that ain't--Jimbo knows of what he speaks. I ain't gonna lift his mask so's you can see his face but I'll just say if he comes on and makes a post like above, you can believe it. Let's just say he's been around the band for a really, really long time.
---------- MofroFan1