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How many miles traveled ?
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40 posts
May 17, 2009
8:31 AM
Hey Gang,

Iknow that on their site they show the stops/shows, but good God, how many miles have these guys busted hump over this past year, or atleast, since last September(when we first saw them)for it seems as if they have been quite the traveling fools, bouncing all over the nation just so that we can get in the groove, and move ! Still curious as to how far any of you have traveled just to see these guys play ?
358 posts
May 17, 2009
8:52 AM
I've been fortunate in the fact that the band has played fairly close to me wherever I've lived since I started seeing them back in '02. I first saw them in Nawlins during Jazz Fest which was only 2 hours from where I lived at the time. Then I moved to Athens, Ga shortly after Fest where they played at the Georgia Theatre and several shows at Jakes, Smith's and Music Midtown which was only about 45 minutes away in Hotlanta. Now I live in South Florida and they play just down the road, not to mention all over the state. So, I haven't had to travel far to see them.....good for me as I am married and have kids which kind of makes it difficult to travel all around the country to see them....but I did get my share of that back in the day with the Grateful Dead.....now if you wanna talk traveling around with that band.......

any groove is reason to move
240 posts
May 17, 2009
10:50 AM
2,500 miles. Jan. ‘09
San Diego, Ca to Tampa Florida for 2 nights at Skippers…

Didn’t know anyone from the Mofro Board Brigade- except for our Grand Po-Ba of mofrofans.com- Clay- who was giving me info to book our trip.
My husband didn’t even really know I posted on a message board (that was interesting explaining it to him how I was having “some man on the internet” help me book our trip)
Got to the first show and was greeted with open arms by all the crew…great 2 nights at Skippers.
One of our best trips ever…

SW- I hear you on miles logged…I traveled to Europe and all over this country following TBC….Traveling for music is one of the greatest things to do…you see different places, cultures, meet cool peeps etc and at the end of the day you get kick ass live shows…what could be better!

~Music is what feelings sound like~
296 posts
May 17, 2009
6:21 PM
When this thread started, I knew Kim and Joe were gonna be the heavy hitters. Those were certainly 2 special nights at the SkipperDome.

"Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."
1635 posts
May 19, 2009
9:16 AM
That was indeed a great time had by all! And it wasn't like Joe and Kim came here cause they also have relatives, or to then drive to the Keys or Disney or Sanibel or St. Augustine or anything else. Nope. They got on a plane in San Diego, flew to Tampa, saw Mofro 2 nites in a row at Skipper's Smokehouse, and flew back to San Diego. That's hard core y'all.

"I've bought houses in less time than it takes for a woman to shop for a skirt and blouse."
~Lewis Grizzard
466 posts
May 19, 2009
10:21 AM
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
1638 posts
May 19, 2009
10:25 AM
Oh yeah. But I'm guessin the winners once again will be John Dude and Elizabeth. They've traveled far and they've traveled wide!!

"I've bought houses in less time than it takes for a woman to shop for a skirt and blouse."
~Lewis Grizzard
462 posts
May 19, 2009
10:26 AM
After Liz & I make our journey to Outside Lands(San Francisco) in August, we'll have logged quite a few miles :p
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be

Last Edited by on May 19, 2009 10:27 AM
32 posts
May 19, 2009
11:19 AM
From west palm to DC last year, then to Denver this year.
SOME DAY, I'll catch them in Australia. Great excuse to hit the Pac north west again, too. maybe...
61 posts
May 19, 2009
3:03 PM
I flew from Boston to Amsterdam to see the guys, just wish I would have caught some of the other shows on that tour but I got stuck in A-dam!!!!
507 posts
May 19, 2009
3:22 PM
I wonder how someone could get stuck in a-dam...;) ;)
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville
477 posts
May 19, 2009
3:46 PM
hahahahaha.....that was a witty one Firefly!
"No effort, no gain
No effort, stay the same
No don’t you ever try to live a lie"
308 posts
May 20, 2009
6:10 PM
There are worse places to be stuck.

"Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."
1655 posts
May 20, 2009
7:25 PM
If I got stuck in Amsterdam would they let me stay? (Do they have summer there? Florida native y'know.)

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