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Sunshine in Seattle !!!!!
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37 posts
May 16, 2009
9:08 AM
Holy smokes, what's that bright yellow orb in the sky ? Got up early, had some tea and cereal, mapped out the brick bar-b-que I am going to make (not today), get the "Mexican Burrito Wagon" fired up/new batteries, get it out of the way so that I can get the Galaxie fired up, out of the garage, and hopefully roll it on down the road this weekend, kids baseball game later, and maybe grill some dinner, or head out tonight and watch a co workers band play. Spray some weeds, get the "Big Screen" out and hung... Sunshine Baby !!! Call my buddy and see if he's going to drive his ride this weekend. See the photos lnked below. The metal garage door is where we hang a 12'x15' drop cloth, hung from pulleys, surrround sound, tiki torches, lawn chairs, coolers filled, popcorn, candy, fire pit, and laughs.

459 posts
May 16, 2009
10:55 AM
Nice wheels Richard!
My father and brothers collect and restore muscle cars. When I graduated high school, my dad tried to give me a Plum Crazy convertible Barracuda. Being a silly teenaged girl, I told him "No daddy, you keep it"......Now all these years later I realize he literally gave me a gold mine and I turned it down. Did I mention that everything on the car was stock and that it had a hemi? To this day, my brothers still can't even broach the topic without wanting to kill me.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be

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