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Brothers and Sisters, time to testify !!!
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21 posts
May 06, 2009
11:26 PM
Hey gang/y'all, Brothers and Sisters,
I was just scanning some posts, thinking, pondering, wondering, guessing, and just killing time, when the question came to mind, "What was the moment,reason,song, place, orexperience, that led you to become a "Believer" in the sound, songs, and music of JJ Grey&Mofro ? For me, it was getting an e-mail from Alligaor Records last summer/fall, taking amoment to listen to the clips of JJ Grey&Mofro, deciding to go see them play, suddenly being taken in, and most definetly when JJ did the intro to "Lochloosa" as he spoke of his Grandpa, man I started to tear up . I miss my Grandfathers so much, and yet was luck to have one of them around into my late 30's. They were both good people. It was like JJ reached out and touched my heart and tickled my mind. That's when it all happend for me.
22 posts
May 06, 2009
11:27 PM
My finger control on the key board, sucks ! Many apologies!
501 posts
May 07, 2009
4:27 PM
you're funny, you talk as much as you type, lol??
if you do you got ME beat, cause people always tell me I talk too much,
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville

Last Edited by on May 07, 2009 4:34 PM
264 posts
May 07, 2009
5:09 PM
You had me at St. Pete.

"Now if you happened to come down here tonight...and you don't wanna hear the person next to you sang, and you don't want'em to dance, cause you might spill your drink, you came to the wrong show in the wrong venue."
23 posts
May 07, 2009
5:18 PM
FireFly, haaaaahh, you must have been talkin' to my, wife, family, friends, co-workers, and even enemies, cause they all would have told you "HELL YES!!!". It's genetic, both a blessing and a curse. I will find the hotrod web site, where this uy who talks so much has the super power, according to others, that can actually make a persons head blow up, due to the longwindedness of the above mentioned guy in the website. To date, I have not seen or heard of any one of my audiance (by choice or not) members lose their head as a result of my extended, detailed, funfilled, exciting, heartfelt.............KAAABOOOOOM !
503 posts
May 07, 2009
7:07 PM
you only got 23 posts but you def. got most words
----keepem comin!
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville

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