I am having technical difficulties (meaning I don't have the software to burn) recording the "JJ Grey 2006-12-09 Cafe 11 - Saint Augustine Beach" DVD. Is anyone interested in trading a copy of that performance with a copy of the Blackwater Sol Revue 2 August 30, 2008? I have an extra copy.
Any serious offer will be considered.
Thanks!! ---------- "Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
To burn a dvd just open the program and click "record VIDEO_TS", then navigate to the VIDEO_TS folder from the download.
The VIDEO_TS folder is where all the info is. There are other apps that will burn DVD, thats what to look for. Some type of "burn (or record) from VIDEO_TS folder" option is what you're after. I've also read that you can just burn the folder as data on a dvd disc and it will work, but have never tried that.
I put it in the DVD player Saturday night and the DVD player displayed the message "can not read disc". Was it recorded to play in a DVD player? Maybe when I get home I can try to play in on the computer. Will let yiu know how it goes.
catch any fish?
---------- "Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
Gunner, I am able to view the DVD via the puter and I must say that it is such an intimate viewing into JJ's personal backround to his songs......beautiful in its own right and I think you will want to add this version of "Jookhouse" to your 80 minute version. If there is a way to view it on a DVD player let me know. Again thank you!! ---------- "Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
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