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New JJ interview with ModernGuitars.com
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1380 posts
Apr 06, 2009
6:54 AM
This very comprehensive interview with JJ just hit the net. Every time there's a new interview, we learn something new about JJ and/or the band. (Who'd have thought that AC/DC is JJ's favorite rock band of all time?)

ModernGuitars.com interviews JJ

"Drinking alone is bad but eating alone is worse. You're alone and sober.
~Lewis Grizzard

Last Edited by on Apr 06, 2009 8:12 AM
Delerious Tyme
198 posts
Apr 06, 2009
9:15 AM
I kinda had a feeling he liked them. Not that much, but with the Gibson guitars he plays, you can tell he is a fan.

How about him talking about putting out an acoustic solo album? Anything new from JJ is much anticipated. Only downer is that he said the full band new album is a year and a half away most likely? Hmm, that's gonna be a long year and a half!
Delerious Tyme

Mofro for life in Arizona
The Rhythm Room is exactly that when the boys are kicking it here.
"Walking on Moonlight in the Day."
160 posts
Apr 06, 2009
11:18 AM
My nephew's gonna love the fact that JJ likes AC/DC!!
"Lord feel that vibe, Lord feel that vibe....."
739 posts
Apr 06, 2009
2:55 PM
Great interview. I totally agree that AC/DC is perhaps the best rock band around. They blew my mind when I was 11 years old, and still do. Rock n Roll ain't noise pollution, y'all!

It's a Big Easy life.

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