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Don't miss Nervous Turkey at BSR!
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210 posts
Aug 17, 2008
5:17 PM
Probably the least known name at BSR this year is Nervous Turkey. They're a local Tampa band that JJ met a year or so back when they were scheduled to open for Mofro at Skipper's. Well, JJ and the guys really liked 'em and since then the Turkeys have opened several shows for them.

I've been to a number of their shows and these boys are bad to the bone. They lay down some gritty blues and have fun while doing it.

I posted some pics and a couple links for those who are interested: http://www.mofrofans.com/nervousturkeypics.html

"When I get to Ybor City all them women gonna treat me like a king."

Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2008 5:19 PM
5 posts
Aug 18, 2008
12:08 PM
I love the nervous turkey,sooo much fun!
3 posts
Aug 19, 2008
4:07 PM
Completely filthy.
220 posts
Aug 19, 2008
4:10 PM
...and you love it!

223 posts
Aug 19, 2008
4:35 PM

5 posts
Aug 19, 2008
4:41 PM
Cause IIIIIIIIII'm a.........Viper!
50 posts
Aug 21, 2008
5:24 PM
Hahaha, I didn't know Firefly was a lady! That makes three of us on board! Woo hoo!

This lady likes her men dirty and vulgar.... He can show whatever he likes!! I'm shocked, but it's awesome! Goodness I think I've said too much!

The devil you know!
233 posts
Aug 21, 2008
5:43 PM
Antsy how much have you had to drink??

Yeah, the shirt thing is part of his gig. It's fun to watch first-timers at one of their shows because when he loses the shirt their mouths drop. Two things to keep in mind--2 of those shows were outside, in Florida, in the summer. Annnnnd, he only loses the shirt toward the end, maybe last 4 or 5 songs. One song he "plucks" his belly fat. Okay, try and picture THAT! It's all part of the schtick though--it has you dancing and laughin your ass off at the same time!
7 posts
Aug 21, 2008
7:38 PM
I haven't been this excited about a band since MOFRO, seriously. Liz saw 'em before me, and first time I saw 'em it was ON! Been taping 'em for about a year or so.
If you wanna see something great...buy Ernie several shots of whiskey, and have a pocket full of quarters, when the shirt comes off you'll know what I'm talking about.

I generally like live stuff better than studio stuff, but I gotta say thier studio album "FATBOY LIKES TO ROLL" is an exception to that rule. And check out track 15!

"You'd better watch yer step...'cause I been drinkin' all day" ~ Nervous Turkey

Last Edited by on Aug 21, 2008 7:38 PM

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