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Missing George!!
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Hog Calla
1 post
Apr 25, 2008
2:59 PM
I gotta say...As a long time fan,I've logged many hours on the road through several states to groove-out with the guys. I heard them for the first time without George last night in New Orleans and something was missing. No disrespect to AC, he's fantastic but George was as much a part of the band as anyone else. I missed "the animal" on the skins dearly.
31 posts
May 01, 2008
6:29 AM
Welcome aboard Hog Calla.

What can I say? I pretty much feel the same way. AC can play, but it was just plain odd without George.

That being said, I told my wife after the 4-show run through Florida in Feb that something was "off." I couldn't put my finger on it, but the vibe between them wasn't quite right.

There are other reasons that I felt that way at the time, and looking back now, I think they all knew about George's impending departure then. (This would turn into a 10 page post if I were to explain what all gave me the feeling something was up.) I had NO CLUE that it would be that he was leaving though!

When I saw AC's first gig with them at Wanee, the vibe was back. All the guys were having fun, laughing, feeding off each other...there was something lacking in that department in Feb.

What the fuck does all this mean? I dunno. I guess we'll know in time. Two things I do know though: it won't affect our feelings for the band, and we sure miss George too.

Thanks again for jumping in. C'mon back often, tell your friends, keep the music alive, just say no to Clear Channel, keep the faith.

Last Edited by on May 01, 2008 6:30 AM

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