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The 2008 MOFRO
Summer/Fall SwampFunk Foto Contest

How to Enter

Submitting deadline for photos was Nov. 5. Voting is now underway.

All you have to do to win is submit your very best photo of JJ Grey and Mofro playing live--what YOU consider to be the "best."

Well, that's not ALL you have to do.  To win you have to get the most votes for what you consider to be your best photo.

It don't cost nothing to enter.

Your photo has to be taken between May 14, 2008 through Nov 1, 2008 (deadline for submitting photos is 11:59 p.m. Nov 5. ) Voting will begin on Nov 6. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd highest vote getters. YOU, the fans will vote!

To enter, all you need is either a Flickr account or Yahoo account--the id and password are interchangable (Yahoo owns Flickr.)

If you don't have a Flickr account, then why not? It's very cool what all you can do with it. But I digress. You'll need to open a Flickr account if you don't have one. It don't cost nothing, either.

Next, you'll need to join the MOFRO Contest Group page. You do that by either going to the group page and do a quick search for Mofro, and there we'll be; or go here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/mofrophotocontest/
It's real easy to join the group.

Then upload the photo you want to submit to your Flickr page photostream.

Then just go to your photostream and click on the photo you want to enter in the contest, then select 'Send to group' in the toolbox just above the photo.  Click on the group name and you're done!  (It's simple...honest!)


>>To see everyone's entries, go here.

It'd be nice to leave it at that huh? Yeah, that'd be cool. But I guess we need some kind of rules or this thing could totally get out of hand. So, go here for the Contest Rules.


I’m Clay/MofroFan1, the guy who started this back in 2008. Seventeen years and running and no intention of stopping because Mofro fans are the best fans ever.  
Even though it costs me about $800/yr I always said I’d leave it going forever. If you’d like to make a little donation to help me offset these costs please click above or go here.