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Cutler Majestic Theatre--Boston Mar 15 Setlist
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1226 posts
Mar 15, 2009
7:05 PM
WERS 60th Anniversary Show
Cutler Majestic Theatre Boston

Ybor City
Wrong Side
Orange Blossoms
Everything Good is Bad
Brighter Days

Usual lineup except sitting in for
Art for this show was Kenny Hamilton

1227 posts
Mar 15, 2009
7:26 PM
Art must've not wanted to leave Memphis for the cold of Boston huh? I just spent a couple minutes looking up Kenny Hamilton. He's lives in Jacksonville, has played in a number of bands in the area as well as teaching at the community college and university there. He's played around town with Dennis and from what I read is a kick ass sax player.

84 posts
Mar 15, 2009
7:43 PM
Hey Clay,

Amazing night in Boston!

The theater was gorgeous and the boys were on fire.

I wasnt sure what kinda of set/show it would be like where it was a theater and people would be sitting but it was so intimate and great.

The War opener was tough because the mic was not on and JJ was just ripping up guitar through it but barely any vocals came out for the whole song. Lochloosa and Brighter Days were moving. It was just JJ and the mic during lochloosa and his soulful voice echoed in this great theater.

It was still weird see a theater full of people and everyone had a blank stare on them. There were definitely some loyal mofrofans in the house though. Kenny Hamilton fit in nicely with his horn section but despite Dennis' attempts, Kenny could not pick up on the dancing groove that Art and Dennis break out.
and thats how junior got his head put out
85 posts
Mar 15, 2009
8:16 PM
WERS studio perf

there is an acoustic in-studio set linked to the bottom of the page.
and thats how junior got his head put out

Last Edited by on Mar 15, 2009 8:50 PM
1228 posts
Mar 15, 2009
8:45 PM
Hey awesome Junior, thanks. Too funny about Kenny's moves; nice to hear he fit in sound-wise tho. That had to be REAL weird, like you said, to be in a theatre like that with people just watching. Like Twilight Zone weird.

JJ solo on Lochloosa? That must've been cool. Thanks for bringing us up to date! I'm off to listen to the in-studio set you posted!

Last Edited by on Mar 15, 2009 8:46 PM
86 posts
Mar 16, 2009
5:27 AM
Well the band was playing Lochloosa and JJ was just on the mic until the end of the tune when he picked up the SG and did some soloing.

here is a link to the liveblog from the show last night - scroll down to the JJ part and there are pictures and an mp3 from ybor city - http://www.wers.org/events/?id=818
and thats how junior got his head put out

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