I know. And how many goddam times can one listen to 'Bad Moon Rising,' for Christ' sake.
I carried on a dialogue with Carol at iClips on their live chat during the whole damn thing. Of course it did come on toward the end. We got to see half of Mojo, and all of Junior. Gee.
She said they were having feed problems with that stage. The weather was fucking with their satellite feed and so we just kept seeing chris and hair--oh, and Daryl tuning too, over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
I asked her if they might re-broadcast in its entirety and she said there's a good chance. She's going to talk to the powers that be and see. Said if they do, it would be most likely at the 10,000 Lakes fest.
Fortunately, there were 5 or 6 other people that chimed in asking what was going on, so hopefully iClips will see there was demand for it.
(They did follow through on that promise to show Rothbury. Watched it Friday night; great show. AC really has settled right in. Artie and Dennis had a groove going on; Jen and I were ROTFL at one point. But they cut off encore/Ho Cake before it was done and shit it was kicking.)
---------- MofroFan1
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